
Replace Dark Circles Under Eyes for Men with Confidence [Infographic]

Nothing erodes a man’s confidence and self esteem quite like dark circles under eyes do.

Lucky for you, this post is packed with several effective methods you can employ today to get rid of those pesky dark circles under eyes for men.

Replace Dark Circles Under Eyes for Men

Here are even more tips and tricks on effectively replacing dark circles under eyes for men with confidence.

replacing dark circles under eyes for men

Sunscreen and Sunglasses Are an Absolute Must!

Both sunscreen and sunglasses are readily available on the consumer market today and both are easy solutions to an otherwise annoying pesky issue.

Here’s the deal:

Unless you’re willing to cope with potentially irreversible damage to your skin, you must apply a liberal amount of sunscreen daily!

It doesn’t matter if its sunny or cloudy outside, sunscreen is something you should get into the habit of applying over your skin on a regular daily basis.

The important thing to remember here is that if you do choose to use a sunscreen, insure that it provides adequate protection from the sun.

Remember to use a sunscreen that contains at least an SPF of 30 or higher!

SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor and all you really need to know about SPF is that the higher the number the better.

If you think about it, the fact that we have access to sunscreen today is truly astonishing.

Sunscreen in its current form did not exist on the consumer market 100 years ago.

The fact that we are able to apply something so inexpensive topically over our skin to protect it from UV damage (and do so effectively) is an astonishing feat of modern cosmetic science.

Think about it:

Your parents more than likely did not have access to the insane amount of cosmetics on the market today that we can use to protect and nourish our skin.

What we have access to today is something that we often times take for granted but definitely should not!

In fact:

Sunscreen is an ingredient that many in the cosmetics industry consider to be the number one most important skincare ingredient on the market today and for good reason!

Nothing harms your skin and causes your dark circles to look worse quite like the sun’s harmful UV (ultraviolet) rays.

One of the many reasons you should apply sunscreen daily is because it shields and protects your skin from UV damage.

Here’s why that’s such an important tip for combating dark circles under your eyes.

The truth is the sun’s rays are responsible for causing us to develop a darker skin tone over time.

Now, that’s not all that concerning when it comes to your legs or arms, but it is most certainly a cause for concern when it comes to the delicate skin right beneath your eyes.

Think about it:

If you’re someone that already suffers from noticeable dark circles under your eyes, what do you think will happen if you constantly expose your unprotected facial skin to the sun?

Exactly, your dark circles will only get darker!

Not exactly a pretty picture if you ask me.

Thankfully, the solution could not be any simpler!

All it takes is a simple application of sunscreen daily first thing in the morning.

Make sure to apply a liberal amount of sunscreen all over your face and neck concentrating on the area right around your eyes.

If you’re really in that much of a rush, then grabbing your favorite pair of UV-protected sunglasses is really a no-brainer.

Wearing your favorite pair of sunglasses will not only make you look cool, they’ll also protect your eyes from the sun’s harmful UV rays.

Make sure whichever pair you choose provide 100% UV protection from both UVA and UVB rays.

Your eyes will thank you for it!

healthy vegetables

You Are What You Eat (and Drink)

Think about this for a minute.

If all you eat is unhealthy saturated and greasy foods and all you drink is unhealthy toxic substances, how do you think your body will react?

Not very well, that’s for sure.

Our bodies react to the substances we consume on a regular basis.

By opting to consume healthy vegetables and fruits regularly you will not only feel better, you’ll look better too!

Eating vegetables and fruits are some of the most delicious habits you can form.

Green veggies like kale, spinach, broccoli, and the like are some of the best foods you can consume!

They are absolutely packed with several key factors to keeping your body healthy (one of which is vitamin K).

Vitamin K is something our bodies need.

The reason Vitamin K is so critical to our bodies overall health is because it leads to healthy blood coagulation and circulation.

Poor circulation of your blood can lead to even darker dark circles.

No one wants that!

By simply adding green veggies to our diet, we can ensure that the blood flow inside our bodies functions in a healthy manner and keeps us looking and feeling our best.

Fruits are especially important to keeping us healthy!

One of the most important vitamins our body seeks is Vitamin C.

Vitamin C is found in some of the most delicious fruits (oranges, mango, papaya, pineapple, etc).

By simply choosing to consume more of these fruits in our diet, we can aid our bodies in protecting our skin.

In fact, a diet high in vitamin C has been shown to decrease the risk of dry skin.

There’s no need to worry about dry skin when eating fruits full of Vitamin C can help to keep your skin healthy and strong.

Good skincare never tasted so good!

What you drink can also negatively (or positively) effect your skin.

Think about it:

If every night of every week, you constantly drink alcohol, how do you think your skin will react?

Not very well.

The truth is alcohol intoxication is a very real problem that produces very noticeable adverse effects on your skin and even the area around your eyes!

Alcohol causes your dark circles to become even darker in very nasty ways.

One of the ways it does so is by literally replacing oxygen in your bloodstream!

When oxygen levels go down in your bloodstream what do you think happens to your dark circles?

The truth is alcohol will cause your blood vessels to dilate and expand.

Both de-oxygenation and dilation of your bloodstream causes your blood to become darker!

Since the skin right beneath your eyes is so thin, the effect of this will be most apparent right beneath your eyes!

Do yourself and your eyes a favor and skip out on drinking intoxicating substances.

Instead choose to drink more refreshing and pure substances likes water, for example.

The truth is many people don’t drink enough of this essential substance.

Water is something that absolutely has a direct impact on how we feel and look.

By incorporating drinking enough water into your daily routine, you can help your body to look and feel its absolute best.

Think about it:

Over half of our body is made up of water!

So it only makes sense that drinking enough of it on a regular basis will help to keep us healthy and refreshed.

How much water you need depends on a variety of factors.

A reasonable goal to strive for is to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day (this is known simply as the 8 x 8 rule).

Some people may need even more than this so always listen to your body and ensure that it receives adequate hydration through drinking pure refreshing water.

Salt is something that many people consume way too much of.

One of the reasons that’s such bad news for your dark circles is because it can lead to water retention in your body including the area around your eyes!

For those of us that suffer from under eye bags, this is a big no-no.

I’m not saying not to consume salt (in fact, consuming salt in moderation is good for you).

All I’m suggesting is that by cutting back on your sodium intake to a more healthy amount, you can allow your skin to “breath” and look its best.


Stop Rubbing or Scratching Your Eyes and Try Using a Concealer

If you feel tired, you may be tempted to want to scratch or rub your eyes.

Please don’t!

Doing so can cause the tiny blood vessels underneath your eyes to rupture and leak out blood!

Trust me when I say this isn’t something you should take lightly.

Rupturing blood vessels directly beneath your eyes can cause you to develop blood-shot eyes and cause your dark circles to look even worse.

That’s a recipe for disaster waiting to happen.

Instead, if you really feel tired and want to lay down, then simply do just that!

Your body needs quality rest.

Always aim to provide your body with at least 8 hours of undisturbed sleep as this can be just what you need to fade away your dark circles.

Trust me when I say your body and eyes will thank you for it in the morning.

However, if for whatever reason you aren’t able to provide your body with the much deserved rest it needs (it happens) then consider using a concealer.

Concealers are nothing new and are absolutely a terrific way to hide the fact that you didn’t get that quality sleep you deserve.

They’re inexpensive, too!

It only takes a small amount right beneath your eyes and in no time at all you’ll go from “just five more minutes” to “I’m ready to take on the world!”

One pro tip I’d like to share with you is that by choosing a concealer that is purposefully one shade lighter than your skin tone, you can better help to hide those pesky dark circles from the world.

No one will know how tired you really are and once you get back home, you can easily wash off the concealer and get yourself into bed.

It’s truly remarkable that something that takes virtually no time at all to apply can have such a drastic effect on your appearance.

If you’re truly in need of a solution to help you look your best when you obviously are very tired then choosing to use a concealer to hide your dark circles can achieve just that!

Concealers are truly a convenient solution to a problematic issue.

Another pro tip for you is that when applying your concealer over your dark circles, make sure to do so in thin layers.

By gradually applying it in thin layers as opposed to all at one time, you allow it to blend seamlessly into your face creating a more natural look.

Concealers are there for you if you ever need a quick fix.

Make sure whichever brand of concealer you do choose to use is non-toxic and as safe to use on your skin as possible!

You don’t want something sitting on your face all day if it’s toxic to your skin’s health.

Instead, you’d much rather choose to use a concealer that both nourishes your skin while it’s concealing your dark circles.

By choosing a concealer that both nourishes and conceals, you may find that over time your dark circles will actually start to fade away naturally.

How’s that for convenience?!

Whatever option you choose, make sure to always listen to your body.

  • If it tells you to eat better, then do so.
  • If it tells you to cut back on something, then do so.
  • If it tells you it’s time to lay down, then do so.

By listening to your body and practicing common sense, you can help your body to rid itself of those pesky dark circles under eyes.

In less time than you think, you can quickly replace your dark circles under your eyes with self-esteem and confidence!

What are your thoughts?

Which of these tips and tricks did you find most useful and which of them are you most excited to try?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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